
Fashion Manifesto/ Buki Fadipe

Buki Fadipe is an individual seller on ASOS Marketplace, selling gorgeous vintage garms under the username Bird on a Wire. Buki shares her ‘Fashion Manifesto’ below, click the photo to see her full collection (and admire her master class in wearing crop tops with class!).

Fashion Manifesto - Buki Fadipe, Bird on a Wire Vintage

“As I've gotten older I've started simplifying my style by wearing colours and styles I feel suit me rather than strictly following trends. For me, fashion is about expressing your personality and mood and reflecting that through the outfits you put together. I have definitely become increasingly influenced by street style blogs and love 'people stalking' on the streets of East London. My love of vintage is growing immensely; I thoroughly enjoy the 'hunt'. Seeking out pieces in charity shops, vintage markets and thrift stores then mixing them up with must have high street pieces.
I feel this is an exciting and creative way of mixing things into your wardrobe and to break away from looking generic by wearing something you know 101 other people also own, I’m happy in knowing I'm wearing something unique, a one off with a nostalgic feel and a history. The green element of wearing vintage is also refreshing and positive antitheses to the growing culture of throw away fashion. I see it as recycling which makes me feel I’m doing my bit!”

What’s your fashion manifesto? Send your fashion manifesto, and a street style snap of your style to marketspace@asos.com