
Discovery/ ‘Chesney’ Deconstructed Shirt by Lost Faith and Revelry

Oh how we love us a classic with a twist, ‘tis how style evolves after all. Designer Kevin Broni has been hitting this nail repetitively on its head by introducing his line ‘Lost Faith and Revelry’ to the Marketplace. The collection takes an industrial booted step towards the holy grail of menswear: directional but wearable.

'Chesney' Deconstructed Shirt by ermerging designer Kevin Broni and his line, Lost Faith and Revelry

Kevin describes the ‘Chesney’ shirt as the perfect first date shirt. He is correct. The subtle jersey panelling non-verbally says two things;

1) “I appreciate clothes and know how to dress myself”

2) “Yes, you’re quite right; the sleeves are a different material to the shirtfront. What’s that? You’d like to touch my triceps? Oh, go on then.”


P.s It’s also just £35. Cheap date.