
Fashion Manifesto/ Natalie Wall

“For me, getting dressed every morning is about reinvention and the mood I’m in”.

Fashion Manifesto Natalie Wall Street Style

“I view my wardrobe as a giant dressing-up box and play Let’s Pretend every day. Today, I’m a French Schoolgirl. Yesterday, I was a ‘70s Secretary. Tomorrow? Who knows?

A great piece of clothing is not only a means of self-expression, but a delicate piece of armour against the muck daily life slings in our direction.

The clothes you wear can make or break your day.

Style simply boils down to looking fabulous every day, not necessarily looking fashionable every day”.

Fancy going rogue in that red hat? Natalie will be selling it on ASOS Marketplace when we launch in November. Want to share your Fashion Manifesto with other Marketplace mavens? Get in touch here or via twitter @ASOSMarketplace